Exploration – Interdisciplinary Frontier Science Forum, Beijing

In January this year, Exploration, the journal co-founded by Henan University, Chinese Association of Nanobiology and Wiley, was successfully launched. On the occasion of the completion of the first issue of the first volume of Exploration, we are pleased to hold the “2021 Interdisciplinary Frontier Science Forum, Beijing”. The forum will invite influential scientists in the field of frontier science research to give invited presentations and provide a platform for scientific researchers, medical professionals, experts for disease prevention and control etc., who are active in interdisciplinary fields such as biology, medicine, chemistry, materials, and agronomy to enhance consensus, expand communication and cooperation, promote knowledge and technological innovation, and promote interdisciplinary integration.

Time: October 9, 2021

Location: National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing, China

Organizer: Exploration

Co-organizers: Henan University, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Institute of Biophysics, CAS