
The impact of the hypoxia-VEGF-vascular permeability on COVID-19-infected patients

Leaking plasma from blood vessels triggered by COVID-19 infection plays a crucial role in causing pulmonary atelectasis (lung collapse), which fills up the lung air sacs with liquid and the lung becomes deflated. If sufficiently large areas of the lung tissue become deflated by this problem, the lung tissue can no longer take enough air …

The impact of the hypoxia-VEGF-vascular permeability on COVID-19-infected patients Read More »

Biomaterials and nanomedicine for bone regeneration: Progress and future prospects

We present an overview of common causes of bone defects, the unmet clinical needs, and the utility of biomaterials and nanotechnology to facilitate bone regeneration. Besides, we propose several key approaches to improve bone repair strategies. This perspective provides a guidance for future research direction of bone repair to improve treatment efficiency in both clinical …

Biomaterials and nanomedicine for bone regeneration: Progress and future prospects Read More »

Super-stable mineralization effect of layered double hydroxides for heavy metals: Application in soil remediation and perspective

Owing to the super-stable mineralization property, layered double hydroxides exhibited excellent performance in soil remediation contaminated by heavy metal ions, providing new strategies and insights into rational designing of amendments in other heavy metals pollution scenarios. Abstract: Agriculture soil plays a crucial role in sustainable development of human society. Unfortunately, soil quality is continuing degradation …

Super-stable mineralization effect of layered double hydroxides for heavy metals: Application in soil remediation and perspective Read More »

Dynamically switchable magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents

This perspective highlights the recent development of dynamically switchable MRI contrast agents that can achieve structural transformation and controllable MR signal activation at the disease site in response to various pathological stimuli. Moreover, current challenges and future perspectives of dynamic contrast agents for the accurate detection of microscopic lesions are commented.